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Thanks for your purchase, Please find below all the links to the 2024 videos

How to design Ultra Low Power Embedded Products (Developing Embedded Systems for the Future)

An understanding of an approach to improving GPS accuracy using ATSC3 and RTCM technologies

Synergizing AI and IoT: Revolutionizing Embedded Systems (Developing Embedded Systems for the Future)

Industry Transformation in the Digital Age ( Digital Transformation of Industry & Utilities)

5G vs WiFi: Comparison and why we need both for Industry 4.0 and beyond ( Digital Transformation of Industry & Utilities)

Cutting-Edge Innovations and Space technology – Redefining Smart Industry (Digital Transformation of Industry & Utilities)

Open Source Generative AI in India’s Smart Industrial Evolution (Digital Transformation of Industry & Utilities)

Digitalization of Electronics Manufacturing (Digital Transformation of Industry & Utilities)

Innovative Applications of AI + IOT in Real Action (rather than concepts)-(Digital Transformation of Industry & Utilities)

Panel Discussion: Business Growth Opportunities for Startups (Electronics & AIOT: Startups & Business Growth Opportunities) Growth Opportunities for Startups#t=0

Currents of Compliance: Addressing Legal Hurdles in Electronics Manufacturing

Boosting Business Efficiency: Seamless Indoor-Outdoor IoT Tracking Integration (Electronics & AIOT: Startups & Business Growth Opportunities) Indoor-Outdoor IoT Tracking Integration#t=56

Creating an Open AI Hardware Ecosystem (Developing Embedded Systems for the Future)

Connecting the Dots: Unleashing the Power of Web Bluetooth for Smart Devices (Developing Embedded Systems for the Future)

How to Choose the Right Platform for IoT Product Development (Developing Embedded Systems for the Future)

LibreConnect: For Long Distance and Rural Area Connectivity (Developing Embedded Systems for the Future) Long Distance and Rural Area Connectivity#t=0

Electro-Mechanical Considerations for Power Electronics Design (Designing Electronics Hardware for the Future)

Generative AI: Redefining the Dynamics of Electronics Product Design (Designing Electronics Hardware for the Future)

New Product Development: Understanding Common Electronic and Embedded Product Design and Development Pitfalls and Avoiding them (Designing Electronics Hardware for the Future)

Electronics Sourcing & Manufacturing Strategies in the Age of Volatility(Innovations in Electronics Manufacturing)

QUANTUM LEAP IN ELECTRONICS IoT (Electronics & AIOT: Startups & Business Growth Opportunities)

DeepTech Startups and the Current Investment Scenario (Electronics & AIOT: Startups & Business Growth Opportunities)

Zoho Cliq: Unifying Communications for Seamless Vusiness Collaboration (Electronics & AIOT: Startups & Business Growth Opportunities)

Unleashing the Power of Electronics & AIOT for Smart Growth in Cold Chain, Industry, and Agriculture( Electronics & AIOT: Startups & Business Growth Opportunities)

Navigating the Design-thinking Landscape in IoT: Avoiding Common Pitfalls (Electronics & AIOT: Startups & Business Growth Opportunities)

Solving Complex Global Problems with Innovations in Embedded Design (Developing Embedded Systems for the Future)

Smart Home Technology Beyond IoT – Leveraging Value Drivers Like AI/ML (Electronics & AIOT: Startups & Business Growth Opportunities)

Thermal Reliability of Electronic Systems (Designing Electronics Hardware for the Future)

Energy Efficient Product design in High-Power Segment (Designing Electronics Hardware for the Future)

Guidance, Navigation and Control of Autnonomous Vehicles (Mobility & Vehicle Embedded Systems (MOVES)

Autonomous, Safety & Connectivity Trends

Driving Tomorrow: Advances in Automotive Mobility & Embedded Systems (Mobility & Vehicle Embedded Systems (MOVES)

Policy Framework for Emerging Technologies (Electronics & AIOT: Startups & Business Growth Opportunities)

Medical Device Product Engineering (Electronics) (Designing Electronics Hardware for the Future)

Automotive OTA Agility – Applying lean to improve speed of over the air firmware update delivery (Mobility & Vehicle Embedded Systems (MOVES)

Automotive Cybersecurity – Are we losing out on the Secure by Design Principles by focusing on Aesthetics and Convenience? (Mobility & Vehicle Embedded Systems (MOVES)

Panel Discussion: Impact, Opportunities & Challenges of AI in Electronics & Embedded Systems (India: The Global Hub of Electronics Engineering R&D)

IoT for Sustainability (Digital Transformation of Industry & Utilities)

How to Choose the Right Components for a HW Design (Designing Electronics Hardware for the Future)

Electronics Designs Empowering Innovative Solutions for Complex & Challenging Global Problems (Designing Electronics Hardware for the Future)

Navigating the Versatile Landscape of VLSI and Semiconductor Careers: From Chip to Firmware (Electronics & AIOT: Career Growth & Upskilling to Meet Global Needs)

Transforming SmartHome with Voice AI (Electronics & AIOT: Career Growth & Upskilling to Meet Global Needs)

Upskilling in VLSI to Meet Global Semiconductor Talent Needs (Electronics & AIOT: Career Growth & Upskilling to Meet Global Needs)

Hardware is Not Hard: It is an Excellent Career Choice (Electronics & AIOT: Career Growth & Upskilling to Meet Global Needs)

Trends in advanced packaging and heterogeneous integration (Innovations in Electronics Manufacturing)

Empowering Innovation: Unveiling Altair’s Power Electronics & Electronic System Design Simulation Tools for Advanced Product Development (Innovations in Electronics Manufacturing)

EMS Factory Automation using IoT based Solutions (Innovations in Electronics Manufacturing)

Sustainable Digital Transformation of Electronics Manufacturing (Innovations in Electronics Manufacturing)

IOT Security – Trends and Opportunities (Securing Embedded Systems for the Future)

Panel Discussion: What shall make Indian Engineers to be able to write their own Pay Cheques? (Electronics & AIOT: Career Growth & Upskilling to Meet Global Needs)

Enabling India as the Next Hub for Electronics Manufacturing

Security for IoT ASIC (Securing Embedded Systems for the Future)

Securing IoT: FIDO & SPDM Protocols for IoT Device Authentication & Integrity (Securing Embedded Systems for the Future)

Secure authentication in IoT using OAuth (Securing Embedded Systems for the Future)

Redefining Innovations in Automotive (Electronics): (Mobility & Vehicle Embedded Systems (MOVES)

Reskilling and Upskilling the Future-ready Workforce for Industry 4.0 and Beyond (Electronics & AIOT: Career Growth & Upskilling to Meet Global Needs) and Upskilling the Future-ready Workforce#t=66

dot:dot: The first-ever marketplace for the anonymous P2P trade of unused gigabytes of mobile access (India: The Global Hub of Electronics Engineering R&D)

Innovation with IoT and AI – Practically (India: The Global Hub of Electronics Engineering R&D)

Empowering Innovation: Leading R&D Teams in India’s Smart Appliance Revolution (India: The Global Hub of Electronics Engineering R&D)

Super Charge AI deployments across Devices with the Power of AI Optimization (India: The Global Hub of Electronics Engineering R&D)

RISC-V: The Catalyst for India’s Processor Renaissance (India: The Global Hub of Electronics Engineering R&D)

Research, Develop, Prosper: The Journey of an Electronic Product Development Trailblazer (India: The Global Hub of Electronics Engineering R&D)

Transforming Engineers into Designers & Innovators: A Life Well Lived(India: The Global Hub of Electronics Engineering R&D)

Journey of Acad. Research to Industrial Development: Challenges & Opps. within Kerala’s Research Society & Evolving Realm of Electronics R&D (India: The Global Hub of Electronics Engineering R&D)

Guardians of the Edge: Securing the Future of AI-Powered Embedded Systems (Securing Embedded Systems for the Future)

Securing Embedded Systems for the Future (Securing Embedded Systems for the Future)

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